Сергей Граблевский
yoga on the beachyoga in Himalayayoga for healthasanas

What is Yoga:

Today there are different schools, branches and types of Yoga, respecting each and every one, let's see how this concept is reflected in classical texts. In the definition by Maharishi Patangali in the Yoga Sutras - Chitta Vrytta Nirodhakaha iti yogaha - it is said that the total absence of the fluctuations of the mind (thoughts, emotions, impressions) is called Yoga. Technically, this is samadhi, the physiological signs of this condition are the stopping of breathing and heart beat. Practice leading to the state of samadhi is called Yoga, everything else is not Yoga. The same definition, but in a more detailed form, is given in the Bhagavad Gita. It sounds a "little beyond the ordinary life" ... Nevertheless, in the Yoga tradition, there are many techniques and approaches that can radically change the life and worldview of any person, in our time the practice of Yoga becomes a necessity for survival so that everyone can and should choose the suitable level and form. Yoga is the evolution and survival of mankind. The idea that Yoga is physical gymnastics absolutely does not correspond to the ancient Indian tradition, gymnastics is only an auxiliary tool. In Hatha Yoga Pradipika it is said that a person of any age and physical condition, starting to practice Yoga, will achieve improvements, and in the Bhagavad Gita it is said that even a small part of the performance of this Dharma will save from unwholesome actions and fear. Yoga is for all! Om.

Examples of simple variations of Asana suitable for starting practice. The video was shot in Rishikesh, on the banks of the great Ganges.

Benefits of practicing Yoga:

In Yoga, health is not the goal, but a necessity, since only in healthy and physically strong body is it possible to achieve success in practice. The modern lifestyle of the big city is the hardest test for our health and longevity. Nonorganic food, constant stress, lack of positive emotional communication, multilevel urban pollution, mass media cultivating fear, greed and violence, lack of physical activity - this list can be continued indefinitely, so many different factors suppress and so hard to find something useful! My personal opinion is that it is impossible without Yoga to live a long, active, joyful, healthy life.
Joint gymnastics of the first level starts the process of purification and healing, increasing the circulation of synovial and eventually all liquids of our body, causing detoxification and rejuvenation, light physical exercise has all the advantages of the sport without threatening with injuries and side effects. Practicing at home you will involve the whole family by one example. Initial breathing techniques will increase oxygen intake while reducing respiratory rate and normalizing blood pressure. The lungs will begin to work at full strength and the blood vessels will be cleared of accumulated fat deposits. The natural synthesis of proteins will be restored, which will lead to a reduction in the intake of high-protein foods so that in the future the transition to vegetarian nutrition will occur on its own without any limitations as a result of a change in metabolism, the return of metabolism to the natural cycle, natural to the human body. The method of deep relaxation Yoga Nidra will allow to regulate physiological and psychological disorders and strengthen the immune system. Many people say that the first experience of deep relaxation was during the practice of Yoga Nidra.
When starting to practice Asana, remember that the task is not to assume the position but to stretch and tighten muscles and cords causing an improvment in the immune system and increase in the flow of various types of energy into all cells of the body. Each Asana has a powerful effect on the hormonal glands and in the case of a balanced practice hormone production returns to normal inducing the effect of rejuvenation and restoring the body's functions, repressed by years of unhealthy lifestyles. Undoubtedly, the Yogi must look younger than his peers, otherwise this is not Yoga, but something quite different. Breathing second-level technicians initiate a physical and mental transformation that will take years of regular practice, but even after a few months your attending physician will be surprised at the results of your tests. I do not ask you to believe me, but I advise you to try it, you can not buy health, but you can correct it with your own efforts. Shatkarma Jala Netti is needed to cleanse the nose passages and at the same time the flow of salty water stimulates the nerve cells of the mucus membrane, awakening the brain regions that in most people are drowsy, no jokes, I personally taught this technique to hundreds of people and the results exceed any expectations. A few simple rules of use and you forget what a runny nose and headache. Honestly speaking, each even the most simple technique of Yoga has many health-proven effects on health and to describe them all on this page is a very, very difficult task, I'm only trying to get your attention to some facts. Sharing with you my personal experience, I must say that the risk in the practice of Yoga appears when Yoga is confused with sports and ambition to get a quick result without a clear understanding of the practice lead to undesirable changes in the body and psyche. Yoga is an adventure for a lifetime and it will take years to achieve mastery even in the simplest techniques, so patience is needed just like a qualified guide, but it costs every second of our time and serious changes will begin from the first day of practice. So what is the structure of Yoga? According to the absolute authority of Yoga - Maharishi Patangali, Yoga begins with the rules of personal and public behavior of Yama-Niyama that radically changes our attitude to life at the level of mentality, and the cleaning techniques of Shatkarm start the process of purifying the body of toxins and toxins. Then follows the practice of Asana (posture, body position) regulating the body including the immune system, hormonal balance and mental balance. When we can sit for a long time Pranayama begins (control and expansion of vital energy), but before we can begin to control the Prana, it is necessary to achieve mastery in the breathing techniques of Yoga, completely changing our consciousness, which takes years and years. Actually with breathing techniques the process of transformation begins, completing the process of preparation for the higher stages of Yoga (Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi). The use of certain techniques is highly dependent on the particular situation of the practitioner himself, books can help to get a general idea, but the practice itself needs guidance, it is absolutely useless to do Yoga by books or video courses, it's better not to rush and find a qualified teacher paying attention not to certificates of the school but on what this person really is. Only when you want to develop the same qualities and achieve the same results, then it is worth to choose. Reflect and discern, success will be inevitable.

Why Yoga:

The Yoga tradition is the best method of spiritual development and at the same time Yoga significantly improves health, mental state, life expectancy and harmony with nature, gives us a choice in life and role in the universe. Honestly speaking before coming to Yoga I could not find out the meaning of my life and only now I perceive this embodiment as a link of an endless chain of development and transformation. For this meaningfulness, I am infinitely grateful to Yoga and my Guru - Shailendra Sharma. It is worth noting that, in addition to global tasks, Yoga helps in all aspects of our life. The modern way of life completely contradicts human nature, and Yoga gives us the opportunity of a harmonious and happy life, start taking care of yourself and making your choice in life.
Start practicing Yoga today! The possibilities of the human body are truly unique, but to awaken these opportunities is a serious work, a task worthy of each of us. Yoga can restore health and add a few years of active life, balance the psyche and mind, fill life with meaning and peace even if we practice very simple starting levels regularly and sincerely. At this stage, there is no need for religious or philosophical involvement, it is only necessary to make the right decision and try to understand what and why we practice. Thousands of books are written about the influence of Yoga on health and I advise you to read and read, but the best method is the practice itself and much will become clear on its own. The initial motivation will determine the final result, so accurately determine your task, then Yoga will help you solve it. I am now 47 years old and I practice Yoga 2 hours a day for 10 years, now I feel at the peak of my physical and mental form.

Courses and lessons:

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Level 1.
The development of joints and the recruitment of physical strength through simple sequences of exercises and auxiliary physical exercises, initial breathing techniques (full breathing of the Yogi, breath of the bellows), vegetarian nutrition and entry into the philosophy of Yoga through the Bhagavat Gita and Yoga Sutras. For beginners without the Yoga experience, this course will help prepare and achieve the physical condition necessary for a successful Yoga practice and also give an idea of ​​what Yoga is and why we need it.
Level 2. The practice of simple asanas and their dynamic sequences, shatkarmas (cleansing techniques of Jala Netti and Kapalabhati), deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra), breathing techniques (Ujai, Bhramari, chanting Om), study of the Bhagavad Gita and other yogic texts , A vegetarian diet. The beginning of the practice of Yoga with detailed explanations and correction, resulting in improvements of the physical and psychological state, an understanding of the basics of practice will appear and the seeds of advanced levels of practice will be laid. Protection from stress, start of rejuvenation, treatment of chronic diseases and disorders, you will open new horizons in life and self-realization.
Level 3.  Practice of asanas in dynamic and static sequences, shatkarmas (Nauli, Agnisar Kriya, Sutra Netti), bandhas ( energy lock), mudras (simple forms of Maha Mudra, Khechari and Shambhavi mudra), intensive techniques of breathing, deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra immersion), from this level, vegetarianism becomes a necessity, an in-depth study of the Bhagavad Gita and other texts. Life will change in many ways and Yoga will become an integral part of it forever, the beginning of spiritual experience and understanding of oneself and the Universe will move to a new level.
Level 4. Advanced practice of asanas with a focus on static forms combined with breathing techniques, mudras, bandhas, manifestation of chakras (energy centers), energy circulation, mantra Yoga, deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra retrospective of death and birth). We hope for a long-term relationship because Yoga also means unity with oneself, the Universe and the Divine and each of us is a unique and very important part of this unity.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Dear friends! It's been 8 years since I've been practicing Yoga. Different people with different motivations are involved in the practice of Yoga, dealing mainly with residents of megacities, I noticed that perhaps the most effective practice for the residents of a large city is Yoga Nidra. This ancient tantric technique allows us to work out mental shortcomings by translating the level of life and inner awareness to a new qualitative level, to be honest sometimes working with the body is only to relax physically and let go of control of the mind. In connection with the foregoing, I offer you a course consisting of 10 lessons of 1.5 hours, which includes both the traditional elements of the Sivananda-Satyananda Sarasvati Bihar school, and the techniques and approaches of the Raja Yoga that are little known in the West, we will work at the subconscious level of the problem: 1. Stress And associated side effects: excess weight, decreased immunity, hysterical syndrome and problems in dealing with people, premature aging. 2. Fear of death and post-traumatic syndromes. 3. Chronic tension and fatigue, insomnia, hyper and hippo activity. 4. Social disorientation, loss of desire to live, drug and alcohol addiction, mental trauma. ы.
The course is designed for the widest audience, no age and physical limitations, most of the time you will be lying on your back. The lesson consists of 20 minutes preparation using traditional breathing techniques of Indian Yoga and 1 hour of immersion in Yoga Nidra, 10-15 minutes of answers to questions and analysis of situations. We will learn deep physical and emotional relaxation, stress removal and control of the basic functions of the mind, psychological balance, you will learn how to gain control over your life and help your family and friends. At the end of the course you will receive audio recordings for continuing the practice at home. Yoga Nidra is the best way to prepare for the practice of deep meditation and the higher stages of Yoga.

Mantra Yoga

In India, even a child knows that Yoga without a mantra simply does not work, like an engine without gasoline. In the West, people are just beginning to be interested in the properties and qualities of sounds and their exact combinations. Lahiri Mahasaya wrote in one of his letters that the practice of Kriya Yoga without a mental jappa (repetition of the mantra) makes the mind restless and unbalanced, that is, it causes an absolutely opposite result. One of the literal meanings of the word mantra is that which is puts together the mind. Generally speaking, it is believed that in the Kaliy Yuga, the practice of the mantra is the most effective means of developing and controlling the human mind, indeed the mantra works wonders, our entire universe appears from the mantra Om and disappears into it. I was lucky, living and practicing in India for 10 years, I got an understanding of the need to use the mantra in the practice of Yoga and learned some things from this ancient art. Heartfelt thanks to my teachers and mentors. Today, with joy, I share my knowledge and experience with you dear friends.
Mantra Yoga classes and workshops will include such elements as: mantra jappa, mantra dhyan, kirtan, rituals of puja and yajna, nyasa methods and pranayama mantra, study of sounds and architecture of Sanskrit, nada Yoga and much more. One of the important elements of Mantra Yoga is the exact repetition of the sacred texts of the Vedas, Puranas and epics in Sanskrit, in contrast the practice of Bhajan it assumes from the heart. Many different elements constitute the mosaic of the Mantra Yoga. In my life, the practice of mantras played a major role in the process of awakening and transformation, today the mantra for me is the integral basis of life. All mantras begin with "OM", so that from the very beginning we are particularly interested in the mantra OM, it is impossible to enumerate all the effects of the practice of this mantra, I just want to point out that there are numerous statements in the Vedas and Puranas that the mantra repetition practice alone OM can reach any height of development. All our programs, classes and seminars are individual.



Payment: I always try to conduct classes for voluntary donations, but in cases where classes are held in yoga clubs or on paid sites if there is an entrance fee that is determined by the conditions of a particular place. I do not sell Yoga, but I accept the reward, then our time is all for the mutual benefit.


In July, August and September 2017 courses and classes are held in Moscow, Russia.

In October and November 2017 in the Himalayas (India).

In December 2017, January and February 2018 on the coast of the Arabian Sea in ​​Gokarna, Karnataka, India.

Sergei Grablevskiy.

[email protected]

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